When should I call to schedule my session?
It is never too early to make a booking for your newborn shoot and I would recommend getting in touch at least 1 month before your due date to avoid any disappointments, particularly if you want to arrange a shoot between September and December which is my busiest time of year. I can book in a tentative date in advance for your shoot based on your due date and then as soon as your baby arrives, we can make a firm booking for the shoot.
The best time for a pregnancy shoot is between 30 and 36 weeks when your tummy is firm and round, though I can do the shoot anytime up to 38 weeks. As for newborns, the early you can book the better to avoid disappointment.
Is 1 week old too early for my session?
Definitely not! The best time for a newborn shoot is in the first 5 to 10 days after the birth – all the images that you will have seen on my webpage were shot at this age and the “classic” newborn poses are only possible at this age. In terms of timing for the shoot, newborn shoots are better in the morning when the light is more reliable and the baby is better rested and more patient!
What happens in the pre-session consultation?
I will discuss with you what you are looking for from your shoot – what are your goals and expectations for the shoot itself and what do you want to do with the images afterwards? Are these going to be sent to friends and family as a new arrival notification? What products are you looking for in respect of the shoot?
I will also talk you through the shoot, answer any questions you may have about what to wear and what to do on the day and hopefully help you to get excited about the shoot!
What should baby wear?
Your baby should be wrapped loosely in a blanket with his/her nappy also loosely attached before the session. This makes your baby more comfortable and it is easier to take his/her nappy off without waking him or her up.
How should I prepare for my newborn session?
Please try to keep your baby awake at least 1-2 hours before the shoot so he/she is sleepy – it is also a good idea to feed your baby just before the shoot as this also helps your baby to settle.
Can I be photographed with my baby?
Yes, absolutely! I will normally have a number of different poses over the course of the shoot, some with just your baby and some with combinations of you (and your partner if they want to get involved) and your baby.
In terms of what to wear, light colours and pastels work best, avoid black and dark colours. For men, t-shirts or long sleeve tops are better than shirts with buttons, avoid large logos.
When do I get to see my images?
After the shoot, I will put together your online gallery which will be ready within 3-4 weeks after the shoot. The gallery will consist of approximately 50 final edited images which are best from the shoot. I do not release all images from the shoot – I take a lot of pictures during a session, some of which could be blurred, over or under exposed or simply not be as good as others that I have taken.